Organic Gardening Woes? Try These Great Ideas!
The best time of year to start an herb garden is fall. This is because some of the tastiest and most interesting herbs thrive in the fall. The reason for this is that the lower temperatures and higher level of humidity makes it very easy to start and maintain an herb crop throughout the autumn months. Planting herbs makes a fun way to continue enjoying your garden after summer is over. You are sure to be pleased with the great herb harvest you will reap by planting an herb garden in the fall. Use both well-matured compost and mulch in your garden. Compost will naturally help plants grow faster, taller, and healthier, and increase the yield of your vegetables. Mulch helps prevent the growth of weeds. Mulch also shades the ground around the roots of your plants, protecting them from heat and conserving water. Check for weeds often in your garden as they will leech nutrients from the soil. Weeds can grow at a high rate of speed and overwhelm the resources available to your plants. Ta...